Our Leadership


The Little Theatre of Walla Walla is a 501(c)(3), volunteer-driven organization. Our Board of Directors is composed of twelve elected and one appointed member from our community. The Board of Directors and the Executive Director function as a team in the overall operation of the Theatre. ​If you would like to contact anyone on the board, please click their name to send an email. To contact our Executive Director please send an email.

LTWW By-Laws | Changes for By-Laws



Martin Fortney - Executive Director

Martin grew up in Walla Walla, attended Walla Walla Public Schools, and, when in high school, worked with Paul Wickline who taught drama and speech and who appeared numerous times on The Little Theatre stage. He credits Paul for igniting his passion for Shakespeare, Into the Woods, and Improv.

Martin graduated from Washington State University with a degree in Political Science which provided valuable background for managing federal programs for two local school districts. He most recently served as Project Director for 21st Century Community Learning Center for College Place Public Schools.

Martin brings a wealth of skills to the Executive Director position. During ten years working with the 21st Century Community Learning projects, he gained expertise in grant writing, program administration, and fiscal management, as well as recruitment and training of personnel.

Martin’s primary responsibilities are fundraising and working with board members, volunteers, and patrons to return The Little Theatre to its prominence of offering live theatre to the local community. He is particularly eager to build on the theatre’s increasing emphasis on programs for local youth. Martin has been the Executive Director of the LTWW since August 1, 2022. 

Martin also serves on the COWALLA Creative District Board.

Office Hours (Summer)

Monday & Tuesday - 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM & 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM

Wednesday & Thursday - 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM

Friday - 11:00 AM - 2:00 PM

**Martin tries to schedule his off-site meetings around these times, but there are times that require him to leave the premises or be unavailable. Performance weeks of productions will also see a shift in Office Hours.                

Board of Directors

Board Of Directors


General Responsibility:

The Board of Directors is responsible for the governance of The Little Theatre, both in its mission and as a community asset. We develop policies and procedures, monitor its finances and productions, and act in the best interest of the organization.

Specific Responsibilities:

  • Attend monthly meetings (2-3 hours, last Monday of each month)

  • Purchase a membership of the Theatre

  • Participate in organizational deliberations and decision-making

  • Active participation on assigned at least two committees (1-3 hours per month)

  • Financially support the organization to the best of their ability

  • Willing assumption of leadership roles in board activities

  • Service as a board representative at Theatre performances and other events (once per production, 4 hours)

  • Review, approve, and abide by governing documents

  • Help monitor the Theatre’s financial health and assist in fundraising

  • Cultivate a positive community image for the purposes of increasing patronage, volunteerism, and donations

  • Ethical and responsible representation of the Theatre to the public

  • Each term is two years with eligibility for a second term before a year hiatus is required.

If you are interested in becoming a member of the LTWW’s Board of Directors, please visit Applications to review the Board Cover Letter and Application procedures.


Proposed and Approved Changes to By-Laws - June 2024 - Subject to Membership Notice


Section 1.  Number and Term

  1. The number of Directors shall be twelve (12).  a minimum of nine (9) and a maximum of twelve (12). Directors serve a term of two (2) years to begin July 1 and/or until their respective successors are elected and qualified. These two (2) consecutive full terms are in addition to any partial term for which he or she was elected to fill a vacancy on the Board.  Directors must be current members of The Little Theatre and cannot be related family members as defined by the IRS under Charities/Non-Profit code.


There is a statement in this section of our Bylaws to which we have never adhered:

“and/or until their respective successors are elected and qualified.”

In other words, the board member must continue to sit on the board until a replacement member is either appointed or elected. Plainly put, if a Board member resigns, they cannot be relieved of their position until a replacement is in place. There is no exception stated regarding the end of a term or an election.  If not replaced, they must continue to sit

We can address this by either removing the phrase, or by having a flexible number of board members. My preference is a flexible number of board members as it would remove the onus of a quick decision.


Expressing a minimum/maximum addresses fluidity in boards: should someone resign, there is time to find a competent, interested replacement. According to a study by consulting firm Bain Capital, the optimal number of people for decision making is seven, and every person added after that decreases decision making by 10%.

Members are encouraged to read an article (link: https://www.missionmet.com/blog/what-size-should-your-nonprofit-board-be) discussing right-sizing a board. 

Related Family Members

One of the most important aspects of compiling and running a nonprofit board is in establishing its independence. A board should be well-balanced to best consider an organization's needs from as many points of view as possible. 

The IRS considers related board members to not be completely independent.  Even if the people in question believe they are not subject to influence by virtue of that relationship, the IRS doesn’t buy it.  They consider it to be a conflict-of-interest that impacts the organization.  As such, there are strict rules about nonprofit governance where related board members are involved.  Being classified as a non-profit is a preferential status level of 501(c)(3) that brings with it the highest level of donor tax-deductibility allowed.  In exchange, the IRS requires that the board of the organization be free of private benefit and governed at arms-length from the potential personal interest of those doing the governing. As such, it behooves us to ensure any appearance of personal interest and limit, within our bylaws, board membership to non-related parties. 

member of the family includes any spouse, ancestors, children, grandchildren, great grandchildren, and spouses of children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren.  A brother or sister of an individual is not a member of the family for this purpose.  A legally adopted child of an individual will be treated as a child by blood.


Proposed Amendments to either the Articles of Incorporation or By-Laws may be introduced in writing for consideration by any member in good standing of The Little Theatre at any meeting of the Board, and, if accepted in principle, shall then be presented in (a revised) written form and voted upon at the next Board meeting. Proposed Amendments shall then be submitted to the membership for acceptance per the following:  

A. Proposed changes shall be distributed to members through electronic communication or by mail for those members without an email address on record. 

B. Members shall have fifteen (15) days after the date of notice to register any opposition through either electronic or mailed written communication. 

C. If objections to the proposed changes are registered by less than ten (10) percent of the total membership, the proposed changes will be considered adopted. 

D. If ten (10) percent or more of the members register opposition, the proposed changes will be presented and voted upon at a meeting of the membership.


Changes to the Bylaws should be limited to members in good standing only. As written, anyone may propose a change to the Bylaws.