Become a Donor

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Become A Donor To The Little Theatre

Your donation serves as a tribute to the community that has supported this theatre for eighty years. The generosity of donors makes it possible for live theatre to continue to flourish in this community and to realize The Little Theatre’s mission, “To showcase the talents of local volunteers and to enrich our community by producing good plays done well.”

Donation Levels

  • Benefactors    $5,000+

  • Playwrights     $1,000-$4.999

  • Producers       $500-$999

  • Directors         $250-$499

  • Actors             $100-$249

  • Stagehands   $50-$99

  • Fans                $1-$49

Endowment Fund

Consider supporting The Little Theatre’s Endowment Fund which ensures the theatre’s continued existence. We encourage theatre lovers to remember us in their estate planning. As well, there are many creative ways to donate….

  • Cash

  • Life Insurance

  • Real Estate

  • Bequests

  • Securities

  • Closely Held Stock

  • Lead Trusts

  • IRA Contributions

  • Charitable Remainder Uni-trusts 

If you have questions or would like to learn more about options for giving, we invite you to contact our Executive Director by email or by calling 509-876-2316. The Little Theatre of Walla Walla is a 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization. Our Tax ID is 91-6033581.